Preaching to the Nation from a Small Pulpit

US$15.95 US$14.40

We have lost evangelistic fervor somewhere in the wilderness of phenomenal growth.

Evangelism depends upon our ability to present Christianity as relevant; the solution to today’s problems; the answer to today’s questions.

When people pray for power from the Holy Spirit, when they seize every opportunity to witness for the Lord, when these people come to the meetings of the church which are held to make them better witnesses, and when they can see their own short-comings and the short-comings of the church as a whole, then success in evangelism can be ours.

This collection of 13 expository sermons by Evangelist Greg Presley focuses on national, ecumenical, and personal blessings, success, security, salvation, anticipation, and evangelism. Included are QR codes to access teaching model slides to use during the sermons.

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