Troughton Company

US$14.95 US$13.50

Jeremiah Troughton was an accountant and his wife Chrissy was a secret shopper before the aliens landed. Searching for a safe place to live, Troughton gathers other like-minded people: a teacher, preacher, jailbird, farmer, housewife, pizza delivery boy, and a teenager who teaches them how to survive off the land.

Along the way, they discover a how to destroy the mechmons, bringing them to the attention of the 74th Calvary, led by Col. Peter Glynn. Glynn is trying to push, shove, drag, and juggle as many survivors as he can out of the eastern half of the US. Together, Colonel “History Channel” Glynn and Chrissy “Battle Braids” Troughton lead the fight against the aliens on a motorcycle armed with a bow and arrows, and a bic lighter.

Survival of the human race depends on the belief that 
“Troughton Company is here. Mechmons best be a’feared!”

About the Author Evelyn Rainey