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Indigenous Language
Jordi Garcia, a 40-year-old Catalan lives in Barcelona. A father of two, Jordi cherishes the balance between work and family life. He’s an IT professional, reflecting Catalonia’s vibrant tech scene. Jordi is passionate about Catalan culture and traditions, often taking his children to local festivals and teaching them the Catalan language. He’s also an environmental enthusiast, instilling in his children the importance of sustainable living. Jordi’s life is a blend of modernity and tradition, embodying the spirit of Catalonia.
Jordi Garcia, un català de 40 anys viu a Barcelona. Pare de dos fills, en Jordi valora la conciliació entre la vida laboral i la familiar. És un professional de les tecnologies de la informació, reflex de la vibrant escena tecnològica de Catalunya. En Jordi és un apassionat de la cultura i les tradicions catalanes, sovint porta els seus fills a les festes majors i els ensenya la llengua catalana. També és un entusiasta del medi ambient, inculcant als seus fills la importància d'una vida sostenible. La vida d'en Jordi és una barreja de modernitat i tradició, encarnant l'esperit de Catalunya.
Indigenous Language
Meet Mary Cardinal, a 45-year-old Cree woman from Manitoba, Canada who is our Cree translator. She’s a dedicated teacher, reflecting the Cree’s value for education. Mary is the matriarch of her large, extended family, often hosting gatherings filled with traditional Cree music and storytelling. She’s a skilled beadworker, preserving the Cree tradition of intricate beadwork. Mary is also a fluent speaker of the Cree language, passing this rich linguistic heritage onto her grandchildren. Despite her busy life, she always finds time for ‘miyo-wîcêhtowin’ (the Cree philosophy of good relations), maintaining harmony in her community. Mary’s life beautifully encapsulates the spirit of the Cree.
Pieter De Jong is a 50-year-old Dutch man living in Amsterdam. As a father of three, Pieter cherishes family time, often taking his children on cycling trips across the city’s famous canals. He works as an environmental scientist, reflecting his passion for sustainable living. Pieter is also an avid reader, often sharing stories from Dutch literature with his children. His love for the environment, literature, and family paints a picture of a modern Dutch lifestyle. Pieter’s life is a testament to the balance between work, family, and personal interests that many Dutch people strive for.
Pieter de Jong is een 50-jarige Nederlandse man die in Amsterdam woont. Als vader van drie kinderen koestert Pieter de tijd met het gezin en neemt hij zijn kinderen vaak mee op fietstochten over de beroemde grachten van de stad. Hij werkt als milieuwetenschapper en weerspiegelt zijn passie voor duurzaam leven. Pieter is ook een fervent lezer en deelt vaak verhalen uit de Nederlandse literatuur met zijn kinderen. Zijn liefde voor het milieu, literatuur en familie schetst een beeld van een moderne Nederlandse levensstijl. Het leven van Pieter is een bewijs van de balans tussen werk, gezin en persoonlijke interesses waar veel Nederlanders naar streven.

Indigenous Language
Rosa dela Cruz is a 45-year-old living in Manila. A mother of three, Rosa balances her time between her family and her career as a nurse. She embodies the Filipino spirit of “Bayanihan”, often participating in community activities. Rosa enjoys cooking traditional Filipino meals for her children, passing down recipes that have been in her family for generations. She values education and encourages her children to learn about different cultures. Rosa’s life is a blend of tradition and modernity, embodying the spirit of the Philippines.
Rosa dela Cruz ay 45 taong gulang na nakatira sa Maynila. Isang ina ng tatlong anak, binabalanse ni Rosa ang kanyang oras sa pagitan ng kanyang pamilya at ng kanyang karera bilang isang nars. Siya ay naglalaman ng diwang Pilipino ng "Bayanihan", na kadalasang nakikibahagi sa mga aktibidad ng komunidad. Nasisiyahan si Rosa sa pagluluto ng mga tradisyunal na pagkain ng mga Pilipino para sa kanyang mga anak, na nagpapasa ng mga recipe na nasa kanyang pamilya sa loob ng maraming henerasyon. Pinahahalagahan niya ang edukasyon at hinihikayat ang kanyang mga anak na matuto tungkol sa iba't ibang kultura. Ang buhay ni Rosa ay pinaghalong tradisyon at modernidad, na nagpapakita ng diwa ng Pilipinas.
Melanie Thizy is a translator with a passion for bringing children's books to life through her work. Born and raised in Montbrison, France, Melanie developed a love of language and literature at an early age. After coming to the United States as an Au Pair 8 years ago, Melanie has immersed herself in American culture while continuing to cultivate her appreciation for the diverse cultures and languages of the world. Through her work as a translator, Melanie strives to share the beauty of storytelling with young readers everywhere, making literature accessible and engaging for children of all backgrounds.
Melanie Thizy est une traductrice passionnée par le fait de donner vie aux livres pour enfants à travers son travail. Née et élevée à Montbrison, en France, Mélanie a développé un amour pour les langues et la littérature dès son plus jeune âge. Après être arrivée aux États-Unis en tant qu’Au Pair il y a 8 ans, Melanie s’est immergée dans la culture américaine tout en continuant à cultiver son appréciation des diverses cultures et langues du monde. Grâce à son travail de traductrice, Melanie s’efforce de partager la beauté de la narration avec les jeunes lecteurs du monde entier, rendant la littérature accessible et attrayante pour les enfants de tous les milieux.
Gaelic Irish
Indigenous Language
August Isley (Auggie to a very special few)is our Gaelic Irish translator. He loves to write reviews of various things that he finds interesting or useful, such as books, products, games, and charities. He likes to share his honest opinions and recommendations with his readers and hopes to inspire them to try new things or support good causes. Ever since he was a kid, he loved reading books of all kinds - fiction, nonfiction, poetry - you name it. But not just any books. He has a special fondness for quirky authors who write from their hearts and souls, who are not afraid to be different and original, who have something to say that no one else has said before.
Raised by his great-aunt Rynagh and her Anim kara Euphemia in Ireland during the 1980's and 90's, August was immersed in all things Gaelic.
August Isley (Auggie pour quelques très spéciaux) est notre traducteur gaélique irlandais. Il aime écrire des critiques de diverses choses qu’il trouve intéressantes ou utiles, telles que des livres, des produits, des jeux et des œuvres de bienfaisance. Il aime partager ses opinions et ses recommandations honnêtes avec ses lecteurs et espère les inspirer à essayer de nouvelles choses ou à soutenir de bonnes causes. Depuis qu’il est enfant, il aime lire des livres de toutes sortes - fiction, non-fiction, poésie - et j’en passe. Mais pas n’importe quels livres. Il a une prédilection particulière pour les auteurs excentriques qui écrivent avec leur cœur et leur âme, qui n’ont pas peur d’être différents et originaux, qui ont quelque chose à dire que personne d’autre n’a dit auparavant.
Élevé par sa grand-tante Rynagh et son âme sœur Euphemia en Irlande dans les années 1980 et 1990, August a été immergé dans tout ce qui est gaélique.
Is é August Isley (Auggie do chúpla duine an-speisialta) ár n-aistritheoir Gaeilge Gaeilge. Is breá leis léirmheasanna a scríobh ar rudaí éagsúla a fhaigheann sé suimiúil nó úsáideach, mar shampla leabhair, táirgí, cluichí, agus carthanais. Is maith leis a chuid tuairimí agus moltaí macánta a roinnt lena léitheoirí agus tá súil aige iad a spreagadh chun rudaí nua a thriail nó tacú le cúiseanna maithe. Riamh ó bhí sé ina pháiste, ba bhreá leis leabhair de gach cineál a léamh - ficsean, nonfiction, filíocht - ainmníonn tú é. Ach ní leabhair ar bith amháin.
Tá fondness speisialta aige d'údair quirky a scríobhann as a gcroí agus a n-anamacha, nach bhfuil eagla orthu a bheith difriúil agus bunaidh, a bhfuil rud éigin le rá acu nach bhfuil aon duine eile ráite roimhe seo.
Tógadh é ag a shin-aintín Rynagh agus a Anim kara Euphemia in Éirinn le linn na 1980idí agus na 90idí, bhí Lúnasa tumtha i ngach rud Gaelach.

Heidi Muller, a 40-year-old German has a deep interest in history. She spends her free time exploring the rich tapestry of Germany’s past. As a mother, Heidi delights in reading children’s books to her young ones, passing on her love for literature. An avid mountaineer, she finds solace in the majestic peaks of the Alps, challenging herself with each climb. Her interests in history, literature, and mountaineering reflect her intellectual curiosity, nurturing spirit, and adventurous heart. Heidi’s life is a testament to the diverse interests and resilience of the German spirit.
Heidi Müller, eine 40-jährige Deutsche, interessiert sich sehr für Geschichte. Ihre Freizeit verbringt sie damit, den reichen Teppich der deutschen Vergangenheit zu erkunden. Als Mutter liest Heidi ihren Kleinen gerne Kinderbücher vor und gibt so ihre Liebe zur Literatur weiter. Als begeisterte Bergsteigerin findet sie Trost in den majestätischen Gipfeln der Alpen und fordert sich mit jedem Aufstieg selbst heraus. Ihr Interesse an Geschichte, Literatur und Bergsteigen spiegelt ihre intellektuelle Neugier, ihren fürsorglichen Geist und ihr abenteuerliches Herz wider. Heidis Leben ist ein Zeugnis für die Vielfalt der Interessen und die Widerstandsfähigkeit des deutschen Geistes.
Indigenous Language
Rajesh Patel, a 45-year-old lives in Ahmedabad. A father of two, Rajesh balances his time between his family and his career as a textile merchant. He embodies the Gujarati spirit of entrepreneurship and hard work. Rajesh enjoys cooking traditional Gujarati meals for his children, passing down recipes that have been in his family for generations. He values education and encourages his children to learn about different cultures. Rajesh’s life is a blend of tradition and modernity, embodying the spirit of Gujarat.
45 વર્ષીય રાજેશ પટેલ અમદાવાદમાં રહે છે. બે બાળકોના પિતા રાજેશ પોતાના પરિવાર અને કાપડના વેપારી તરીકેની કારકિર્દી વચ્ચેનો સમય સંતુલિત કરે છે. તેઓ ઉદ્યોગસાહસિકતા અને સખત મહેનતની ગુજરાતી ભાવનાને મૂર્તિમંત કરે છે. રાજેશને તેના બાળકો માટે પરંપરાગત ગુજરાતી ભોજન રાંધવાની મજા આવે છે, પેઢીઓથી તેના પરિવારમાં રહેલી વાનગીઓ પસાર કરવામાં આવે છે. તે શિક્ષણની કદર કરે છે અને તેના બાળકોને વિવિધ સંસ્કૃતિઓ વિશે શીખવા માટે પ્રોત્સાહિત કરે છે. રાજેશનું જીવન પરંપરા અને આધુનિકતાનું મિશ્રણ છે, જે ગુજરાતની ભાવનાને મૂર્તિમંત કરે છે.
Indigenous Language
Sunita Devi, a 40-year-old Hindi-speaking woman lives in Delhi. A mother of two, Sunita balances her time between her family and her career as a schoolteacher. She embodies the spirit of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, often participating in community activities. Sunita enjoys cooking traditional North Indian meals for her children, passing down recipes that have been in her family for generations. She values education and encourages her children to learn about different cultures. Sunita’s life is a blend of tradition and modernity, embodying the spirit of contemporary Hindi-speaking India.
40 वर्षीय हिंदी भाषी महिला सुनीता देवी दिल्ली में रहती हैं। दो बच्चों की मां, सुनीता अपने परिवार और एक स्कूल शिक्षक के रूप में अपने करियर के बीच अपने समय को संतुलित करती है। वह "वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम" की भावना का प्रतीक है, जो अक्सर सामुदायिक गतिविधियों में भाग लेती है। सुनीता अपने बच्चों के लिए पारंपरिक उत्तर भारतीय भोजन पकाने का आनंद लेती हैं, जो पीढ़ियों से उनके परिवार में रहे व्यंजनों को पारित करती हैं। वह शिक्षा को महत्व देती है और अपने बच्चों को विभिन्न संस्कृतियों के बारे में जानने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करती है। सुनीता का जीवन परंपरा और आधुनिकता का मिश्रण है, जो समकालीन हिंदी भाषी भारत की भावना को मूर्त रूप देता है।

Indigenous Language
Björn Jonsson is a 50-year-old living in Reykjavik. As a father of two, Björn cherishes the balance between work and family life. He works as a geologist, reflecting Iceland’s vibrant geothermal activity. Björn is passionate about Icelandic culture and traditions, often taking his children to local festivals and teaching them the Icelandic language. He’s also an environmental enthusiast, instilling in his children the importance of sustainable living. Björn’s life is a blend of modernity and tradition, embodying the spirit of Iceland.
Björn Jónsson er 50 ára búsettur í Reykjavík. Sem tveggja barna faðir lætur Björn sér annt um jafnvægið milli vinnu og fjölskyldulífs. Hann starfar sem jarðfræðingur og endurspeglar þar með hina lifandi jarðhitavirkni Íslands. Björn hefur brennandi áhuga á íslenskri menningu og hefðum og fer oft með börnin sín á bæjarhátíðir og kennir þeim íslensku. Hann er einnig áhugamaður um umhverfismál og innrætir börnum sínum mikilvægi sjálfbærs lífs. Líf Björns er blanda af nútíma og hefðum og felur í sér tíðarandann á Íslandi.
Indigenous Language
Budi Sari, a 45-year-old is from Jakarta. As the head of an extended family, Budi balances his time between his family and his career in civil service. He embodies the Indonesian principle of “gotong royong”, often organizing community activities. Budi is a faithful follower of Sunni Islam. He loves to explore the forests of his land and is active in trying to preserve the lands from deforestation and the loss of biodiversity. He values education and encourages his children and nephews to learn about different cultures. Budi’s life is a blend of tradition and modernity, embodying the spirit of Indonesia.
Budi Sari, 45 tahun, berasal dari Jakarta. Sebagai kepala keluarga besar, Budi menyeimbangkan waktunya antara keluarga dan karirnya di bidang pegawai negeri. Dia mewujudkan prinsip Indonesia "gotong royong", sering mengatur kegiatan masyarakat. Budi adalah pengikut setia Islam Sunni. Dia suka menjelajahi hutan di tanahnya dan aktif dalam mencoba melestarikan tanah dari deforestasi dan hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati.
Dia menghargai pendidikan dan mendorong anak-anak dan keponakannya untuk belajar tentang budaya yang berbeda. Kehidupan Budi adalah perpaduan antara tradisi dan modernitas, mewujudkan semangat Indonesia.
Maria Rossi, a 45-year-old Italian woman was born and raised in the heart of Rome. A mother of two, Maria balances her time between her family and her career as an architect. She has a deep love for Italy’s rich history and incorporates it into her designs. Maria enjoys cooking traditional Italian meals for her children, passing down recipes that have been in her family for generations. She values education and encourages her children to learn about different cultures. Maria’s life is a blend of tradition and modernity, embodying the spirit of Italy.
Maria Rossi, una donna italiana di 45 anni, è nata e cresciuta nel cuore di Roma. Madre di due figli, Maria riesce a trovare un equilibrio tra la famiglia e la carriera di architetto. Ha un profondo amore per la ricca storia dell'Italia e la incorpora nei suoi progetti. Maria si diverte a cucinare piatti tradizionali italiani per i suoi figli, tramandando ricette che appartengono alla sua famiglia da generazioni. Apprezza l'istruzione e incoraggia i suoi figli a conoscere culture diverse. La vita di Maria è un mix di tradizione e modernità, che incarna lo spirito dell'Italia.

Indigenous Language
Min-jun Lee is a 50-year-old from Seoul. As the head of an extended family, Min-jun balances his time between his family and his career in technology. He embodies the Korean principle of “jeong”, often organizing family gatherings. Min-jun enjoys cooking traditional Korean meals for his large family, passing down recipes that have been in his family for generations. He values education and encourages his children and nieces to learn about different cultures. Min-jun’s life is a blend of tradition and modernity, embodying the spirit of contemporary Korea.
이민준은 서울에서 온 50세 남성입니다. 대가족의 가장인 Min-jun은 가족과 기술 분야에서 경력을 쌓는 시간 사이에서 균형을 맞춥니다. 그는 한국의 "정"의 원칙을 구현하여 종종 가족 모임을 조직합니다. 민준은 대가족을 위해 한국 전통 음식을 요리하는 것을 즐기며, 대대로 내려오는 요리법을 전수합니다. 그는 교육을 소중히 여기며 자녀와 조카들이 다른 문화에 대해 배우도록 격려합니다. 민준의 삶은 전통과 현대가 어우러져 현대 한국의 정신을 담고 있다.
Indigenous Language
David Galihai is a 45-year-old Lakota man from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He’s a respected elder and a skilled horseman, reflecting the Lakota’s deep connection to nature. David is the pillar of his extended family, often hosting gatherings filled with traditional Lakota music and storytelling. He’s a fluent speaker of the Lakota language, preserving this rich linguistic heritage for future generations. David is also a dedicated community leader, advocating for the rights and recognition of the Lakota people. Despite the challenges, his strength and resilience reflect the spirit of the Lakota life.
Indigenous Language
Rakotomalala is a 42-year-old who lives in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. For the Malagasy people, there is no first and surname, only one name which is a mixture of both. He works as a teacher in a public school and enjoys reading and playing soccer in his spare time. He is married to Rasoanirina, a nurse, and they have three children: Andrymalala, 15, Mioranirina, 12, and Nirymalala, 8. Rakotomalala also has a large extended family, including his parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. He often visits them on weekends and holidays, and they celebrate traditional festivals together. Rakotomalala is proud of his culture and heritage, and he hopes to pass it on to his children.
Rakotomalala dia 42 taona monina ao Antananarivo, renivohitr'i Madagasikara. Ho an'ny vahoaka Malagasy, tsy misy ny anarana voalohany sy fanampin'anarana, anarana iray ihany no mifangaro amin'izy roa ireo. Miasa toy ny mpampianatra ao amin'ny sekolim-panjakana izy ary tia mamaky teny sy milalao baolina amin'ny fotoana malalaka. Nanambady an'i Rasoanirina, mpitsabo mpanampy izy, ary manan-janaka telo izy ireo: Andrymalala, 15 taona, Mioranirina, 12 taona, ary Nirymalala, 8 taona.
Manana fianakaviana lehibe ihany koa i Rakotomalala, anisan'izany ny ray aman-dreniny, ny iray tam-po, ny zanaky ny mpiray tampo aminy, ny nenitoany, ny dadatoany ary ny raibe sy renibeny. Matetika izy no mitsidika azy ireo amin'ny faran'ny herinandro sy ny fety, ary miara-mankalaza fety nentim-paharazana izy ireo. Mirehareha amin'ny kolontsainy sy ny lovany i Rakotomalala, ary manantena izy fa hampita izany amin'ny zanany.

Indigenous Language
Born and raised in the heart of Malta, John Borg is a 45-year-old devoted family man. He cherishes the island’s rich history and vibrant culture. As a successful local business owner, he’s well-respected in his community. John is the cornerstone of his large, extended family, organizing frequent gatherings that echo with laughter and Maltese folk music. He enjoys the simple pleasures of life - a good pastizz, the sea’s calming rhythm, and the warmth of the Mediterranean sun. Despite his busy schedule, he never misses Sunday Mass, a testament to Malta’s strong Catholic tradition. John embodies the spirit of the Maltese life.
Imwieled u trabba fil-qalba ta' Malta, John Borg huwa raġel tal-familja devot ta' 45 sena. Huwa jgħożż l-istorja rikka u l-kultura vibranti tal-gżira. Bħala sid ta 'negozju lokali ta' suċċess, huwa rispettat sew fil-komunità tiegħu. John huwa l-pedament tal-familja kbira u estiża tiegħu, jorganizza laqgħat frekwenti li jirrepetu mad-daħk u l-mużika folkloristika Maltija. Huwa jgawdi l-pjaċiri sempliċi tal-ħajja - pastizz tajjeb, ir-ritmu kalm tal-baħar, u s-sħana tax-xemx Mediterranja. Minkejja l-iskeda impenjattiva tiegħu, huwa qatt ma jitlef il-Quddiesa tal-Ħadd, xhieda tat-tradizzjoni Kattolika qawwija ta' Malta. Ġwanni jinkorpora l-ispirtu tal-ħajja Maltija.
Indigenous Language
Meet Thomas Yazzie, a 50-year-old Navajo man from Arizona. He’s a skilled silversmith, preserving the Navajo tradition of intricate jewelry making. Thomas is the patriarch of his large, extended family, often hosting gatherings filled with traditional Navajo music and storytelling. He’s a fluent speaker of the Navajo language, passing this rich linguistic heritage onto his grandchildren. Thomas is also a respected community leader, advocating for the rights and recognition of the Navajo people. Despite the challenges, his strength and resilience reflect the spirit of the Navajo life.
Indigenous Language
Ingrid Hansen is a 40-year-old Norwegian woman living in Oslo. She’s a dedicated mother and an environmental scientist, reflecting Norway’s commitment to sustainability. Ingrid loves spending time with her extended family, especially during traditional summer cabin trips. She’s an avid cross-country skier, embracing Norway’s love for outdoor activities. Ingrid is also a fantastic cook, often embellishing traditional Norwegian dishes for her family. Despite her busy life, she finds time to volunteer at her local community center. Her strong sense of social responsibility and love for nature make Ingrid a true embodiment of the Norwegian lifestyle.
Ingrid Hansen er en 40 år gammel norsk kvinne bosatt i Oslo. Hun er en dedikert mor og miljøforsker, noe som gjenspeiler Norges engasjement for bærekraft. Ingrid elsker å tilbringe tid med storfamilien, spesielt på tradisjonelle sommerhytteturer. Hun er en ivrig langrennsløper, og omfavner Norges kjærlighet til friluftsliv. Ingrid er også en fantastisk kokk, og pynter ofte på tradisjonelle norske retter til familien. Til tross for sin travle hverdag, finner hun tid til å jobbe frivillig på sitt lokale samfunnshus. Hennes sterke følelse av samfunnsansvar og kjærlighet til naturen gjør Ingrid til en ekte legemliggjøring av den norske livsstilen.

João Silva is a 45-year-old Portuguese native with a passion for multicultural events. He believes in the power of diversity and enjoys learning about different cultures. A devoted father, João finds joy in reading children’s books to his kids, instilling in them a love for stories. He’s also an environmental enthusiast, committed to sustainable living. João often volunteers for local environmental causes, inspiring others with his dedication. His interests reflect his belief in unity, education, and respect for nature, making him a cherished member of his community. João embodies the spirit of modern Portugal.
João Silva é um português de 45 anos apaixonado por eventos multiculturais. Ele acredita no poder da diversidade e gosta de aprender sobre diferentes culturas. Pai dedicado, João encontra alegria em ler livros infantis para os filhos, incutindo-lhes o gosto pelas histórias. Ele também é um entusiasta do meio ambiente, comprometido com a vida sustentável. João é frequentemente voluntário para causas ambientais locais, inspirando outras pessoas com a sua dedicação. Seus interesses refletem sua crença na unidade, educação e respeito pela natureza, tornando-o um membro estimado de sua comunidade. João encarna o espírito do Portugal moderno.
Queretaro Otomi
Indigenous Language
Ximena Hñähñu, a 50-year-old Queretaro Otomi woman lives in the Mezquital Valley in Mexico. She’s a skilled artisan, preserving her indigenous heritage through traditional Otomi embroidery. Ximena is the matriarch of a large, extended family, and her home is often filled with the laughter of grandchildren. She’s a fantastic cook, known for her delicious mole and tamales. Ximena is also a respected community leader, advocating for the rights and recognition of the Otomi people. Despite the challenges, she remains optimistic, her strength reflecting the resilience of the Queretaro Otomi. Ximena’s life is a testament to the spirit of her people.
Ximena hñäho, 'nar 'be̲hñä ñäñho Maxei 50 ya je̲ya 'bu̲i ar nä'ä ar ar hñä M'onda. Ge 'nar hábil artesana da preserva ár herencia jä'itho a través de ar bordado pa mahä'mu̲ ñäñho. Ximena ar matriarca 'nar mengu numerosa ne extensa, ne ár hogar tso̲kwa menudo ar llena ja ya risas yá 'be̲to. Ge 'nar cocinera fantástica, conocida ir nge ár delicioso nsit'u̲nhñuni ne tamales. Ximena 'nehe ge 'nar respetada líder comunitaria, da aboga ja ya 'mui xi hño ne ar reconocimiento ar hnini ñäñho. A pesar de ya desafíos, te̲ni komongu optimista ne ár fortaleza refleja ar resiliencia ya ñäñho Maxei. Ar nzaki Ximena ge 'nar testimonio espíritu jár hnini.
Ximena Hñähñu, una mujer otomí de Querétaro de 50 años, vive en el Valle del Mezquital en México. Es una hábil artesana que preserva su herencia indígena a través del bordado tradicional otomí. Ximena es la matriarca de una familia numerosa, y su hogar a menudo se llena de las risas de los nietos. Es una cocinera fantástica, conocida por su delicioso mole y tamales. Ximena también es una respetada líder comunitaria, que aboga por los derechos y el reconocimiento del pueblo otomí. A pesar de los desafíos, sigue siendo optimista y su fuerza refleja la resiliencia del Otomí de Querétaro. La vida de Ximena es un testimonio del espíritu de su pueblo.
Indigenous Language
Tavita Manaia is a 45-year-old Samoan man from Apia. He’s a respected elder in his village and a skilled fisherman, embodying Samoa’s deep connection to the sea. Tavita is the backbone of his extended family, hosting lively feasts filled with traditional Samoan music and dance. He’s a master of the 'ava ceremony, a key aspect of Samoan culture. Tavita is also a rugby enthusiast, reflecting Samoa’s passion for the sport. Despite his responsibilities, he always finds time for ‘fa’a Samoa’ (the Samoan way), maintaining harmony in his community. Tavita’s life beautifully encapsulates the spirit of a Samoan.
O Tavita Manaia o se alii Samoa e 45 tausaga le matua mai Apia. O ia o se toeaina faaaloalogia i lona nuu ma o se faifaiva atamai, e faatinoina le sootaga loloto o Samoa ma le sami. O Tavita o le i'a o lona aiga lautele, e faia taumafataga ola e tumu i musika ma siva masani a Samoa. O ia o se tagata e matuaofaiva i le sauniga o le ava, o se vaega autu o aganuu a tagata Samoa. O Tavita foi o se tagata e fiafia i le lakapi, e atagia mai ai le naunautaiga o Samoa mo le taaloga. E ui lava i ona tiutetauave, ae e maua lava e ia i taimi uma se taimi mo le 'fa'a Samoa' (le ala faa-Samoa), e faatumauina ai le lotogatasi i lona nuu. O le olaga o Tavita ua aoteleina ai le agaga o se tagata Samoa.

Gabriela Villarreal was raised in Guatemala City and moved to Austin, TX when she was 17 years old. She has been surrounded by both languages her whole life so the transition from one to another is completely automatic by now. She is a new translator who loves being able to share these stories in her native tongue. She is passionate about kids’ literature and how their little brains are influenced by it. When she’s not being a wife and a mom, she enjoys spending time outside.
Gabriela Villarreal se crió en la Ciudad de Guatemala y se mudó a Austin, TX cuando tenía 17 años. Ha estado rodeada de ambos idiomas toda su vida, por lo que la transición de uno a otro es completamente automática a estas alturas. Es una traductora nueva a la que le encanta poder compartir estas historias en su lengua materna. Le apasiona la literatura infantil y cómo sus pequeños cerebros están influenciados por ella. Cuando no está siendo esposa y madre, le gusta pasar tiempo al aire libre.
Indigenous Language
Published poet, April Mae M. Berza translates our books into French and Tagalog. April Mae M. Berza is the author of Confession ng isang Bob Ong Fan (Flipside, 2014) and Berso de Berza (Charging Ram, 2012.) Her poems and short stories appeared in numerous publications in America, France, Canada, Belgium, Romania, India, Japan, Great Britain, and the Philippines. Her poems are translated into Crimean Tatar and Filipino.She is a member of the Poetic Genius Society. Her two haiku entries were featured in the 9th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest Selected Haiku Submissions Collection, July 2017. She was nominated for the Nick Joaquin Literary Awards 2023. Also, she got invited to submit her life story to the Ellen DeGeneres show last 2012. She received an Honorable Mention in the 19th HIA Haiku Contest and the 7th Akita Russia-Japan Haiku Contest. She currently resides in Taguig, Philippines.
Si April Mae M. Berza ang may-akda; ang kanyang mga tula at maikling kwento ay nalimbag sa maraming publikasyon sa America, Pransiya, Canada, Belgium, Romanya , India, Japan, Gran Britanya, at Pilipinas. Miyembro siya ng Poetic Genius Society. Itinampok ang kanyang dalawang haiku entry sa 9th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest Selected Haiku Submissions Collection, July 2017. Nagamit siya ng nominasyon para sa Nick Joaquin Literary Awards 2023. Gayundin, naimbitahan siyang isumite ang kanyang kwento ng buhay sa palabas na Ellen DeGeneres noong 2012. Nakatanggap siya ng Honorable Mention sa 19th HIA Haiku Contest at sa 7th Akita Russia-Japan Haiku Contest. Siya ay kasalukuyang naninirahan sa Taguig, Pilipinas.
Indigenous Language
Somsak Saetang, a 50-year-old Thai man is from Chiang Mai. He’s a skilled farmer, reflecting Thailand’s agrarian roots. Somsak is the pillar of his large, extended family, often hosting gatherings filled with laughter and traditional Thai music. He’s a devout Buddhist, attending temple ceremonies and practicing meditation daily. Somsak is also a Muay Thai enthusiast, embodying Thailand’s martial arts tradition. Despite his busy life, he always finds time for ‘sanuk’ (the Thai philosophy of seeking fun), whether it’s a lively game of takraw or a quiet evening preparing tom yum soup. Somsak’s life beautifully encapsulates the spirit of the Thai.
สมศักดิ์ แซ่ตั้ง ชายไทยอายุ 50 ปี เดินทางมาจากจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ เขาเป็นเกษตรกรที่มีทักษะสะท้อนให้เห็นถึงรากเหง้าเกษตรกรรมของประเทศไทย สมศักดิ์เป็นเสาหลักของครอบครัวขยายขนาดใหญ่ของเขา ซึ่งมักจะจัดงานชุมนุมที่เต็มไปด้วยเสียงหัวเราะและดนตรีไทยแบบดั้งเดิม เขาเป็นชาวพุทธที่เคร่งศาสนาเข้าร่วมพิธีวัดและฝึกสมาธิทุกวัน สมศักดิ์ยังเป็นผู้ที่ชื่นชอบมวยไทยซึ่งรวบรวมประเพณีศิลปะการต่อสู้ของประเทศไทย แม้ชีวิตจะวุ่นวาย แต่เขาก็มักจะหาเวลาให้กับ 'sanuk' (ปรัชญาไทยในการแสวงหาความสนุกสนาน) ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเกมตะกร้อที่มีชีวิตชีวาหรือตอนเย็นที่เงียบสงบในการเตรียมซุปต้มยํา ชีวิตของสมศักดิ์ห่อหุ้มจิตวิญญาณของคนไทยไว้อย่างสวยงาม

Indigenous Language
Ana Latu, a 40-year-old Tongan woman is from Nuku’alofa. She’s a dedicated teacher, reflecting Tonga’s high literacy rate. Ana is the heart of her extended family, often hosting gatherings filled with traditional Tongan music and dance. She’s a skilled weaver, creating beautiful ‘tapa’ cloth that tells stories of her heritage. Ana is also a rugby fan, embodying Tonga’s love for the sport. Despite her busy life, she always finds time for ‘anga fakatonga’ (the Tongan way), maintaining harmony in her community. Ana’s life beautifully encapsulates the spirit of the Tongan.
Ko ʻAna Latu, ko ha fefine Tonga taʻu 40 mei Nukuʻalofa. Ko ha faiako mateaki ia, ʻo ne fakakaukau ki he tuʻunga maʻolunga ʻo e laukonga ʻa Tonga. Ko ʻAna ʻa e loto ʻo hono kāingá, pea ʻokú ne faʻa talitali ʻa e ngaahi fakatahaʻanga ʻoku fonu ʻi he ngaahi fasi mo e hulohula tukufakaholo faka-Tongá. Ko ha tangata lalanga taukei ia, ʻo ne faʻu ha tupenu fakaʻofoʻofa ʻ tapa ʻ ʻoku ne fakamatalaʻi ha ngaahi talanoa ki hono tukufakaholo. ʻOku hoko foki ʻa ʻAna ko ha tokotaha ʻakapulu, ʻoku ne fakafotunga ʻa e ʻofa ʻa Tonga ki he sipoti. Neongo ʻene femoʻuekina he moʻui, ka ʻoku ne maʻu maʻu pe ha taimi ki he ʻangaʻuliʻ (ko e founga faka-Tonga), ʻo pukepuke ʻa e uouangataha ʻi hono kolo. ʻOku hanga ʻe he moʻui ʻa ʻAná ʻo ʻai ke fakaʻofoʻofa e laumālie ʻo e tangata Tongá.
Indigenous Language
Rhys Jones is a 45-year-old Welshman from Cardiff. He’s a dedicated nurse, reflecting Wales’ strong healthcare system. Rhys is the linchpin of his extended family, often hosting gatherings filled with traditional Welsh music and storytelling. He’s a passionate rugby fan, embodying Wales’ love for the sport. Despite his busy life, Rhys always finds time for ‘hwyl’ (the Welsh philosophy of emotional motivation), whether it’s a lively game of rugby or a quiet evening preparing cawl. Rhys’s life beautifully encapsulates the spirit of a Welsh person.
Cymro 45 oed o Gaerdydd yw Rhys Jones. Mae'n nyrs ymroddedig, sy'n adlewyrchu system gofal iechyd gref Cymru. Rhys yw linach ei deulu estynedig, yn aml yn cynnal cynulliadau sy'n llawn cerddoriaeth draddodiadol Gymreig ac adrodd straeon. Mae'n gefnogwr rygbi angerddol, yn ymgorffori cariad Cymru tuag at y gamp. Er gwaethaf ei fywyd prysur, mae Rhys bob amser yn dod o hyd i amser ar gyfer 'hwyl' (athroniaeth Gymraeg cymhelliant emosiynol), boed yn gêm fywiog o rygbi neu'n noson dawel yn paratoi cawl. Mae bywyd Rhys yn crisialu ysbryd person Cymreig yn hyfryd.
Yucatec Maya
Indigenous Language
Carlos Uluach is a 50-year-old Yucatec Maya man from Mérida, Yucatán. He’s a skilled beekeeper, preserving the ancient Maya tradition of meliponiculture. Carlos is the patriarch of his large, extended family, often hosting gatherings filled with traditional Maya music and dance. He’s a fluent speaker of the Yucatec Maya language, passing this rich linguistic heritage onto his grandchildren. Carlos is also a respected community leader, advocating for the rights and recognition of the Maya people. Despite the challenges, he remains optimistic, his strength reflecting the resilience of the Yucatec Maya. Carlos’s life is a testament to the spirit of his people.
Carlos Uluach jach juntúul maaya yucateco 50 ja'abo'ob jo', beeta'al Wey. Leti' jump'éel apicultor experto, u jach le úuchben tradición maaya ti' le meliponicultura. Carloso' jach u patriarca u numerosa yéetel nojoch ch'i'ibalil ba'atsil, ka tu menudo aalo'ob reuniones chup paax yéetel danza xíiw maaya. Ku t'aan yéetel fluidez maaya yucateca, transmitiendo le ki herencia lingüística ti' u yáabilo'obo'. Carloso' xan jach jump'éel respetado líder te' mejen kaajo'obo', u aboga tumen le p'iskambal yéetel u yila'al le maaya kaajo'. Betpajal ichil le desafíos, Chúuns siendo optimista yéetel u muk'óolalil refleja u resiliencia le maaya'obo' yucatecos. Kuxtal Carloso' jach jump'éel testimonio u pixan u kaajal.